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new version of draft-narten-ipv6-3177bis-48boundary-03.txt

I'd like to call attention to a revised version of the previously
expired document (the previous version was dated June, 2006). It was
revved in response to discussion that occurred on the ietf mailing
list a couple of months ago. Plus, the topic continues to receive
attention within the RIRs.

I did not ask for agenda time as I think it better to comment on the
list, based on the wording that is in the document.

The document is short enough that I think the best think for people to
do is just read it and then comment here on the list.

That said, I do point out the common complaint that giving home users
and businesses the same amount of address space strikes some people as

Also, I better clarify the motivations behind the original 3177
recommendations, to make clear that changing the boundary to something
else needs to (and can) still satisfy the original motivations.

Finally, I am sending this to v6ops (rather than 6man) for discussion
because I believe the end site boundary is more of an operational
issue than an architectural one.
