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464 scanarios - identifying the variety

Alain Durand  - Le 6/17/08 2:21 AM :
 > It appears that the 'crude diagram below' is identical to the latest
iteration of 464.

On 6/16/08 7:09 PM, "Brian E Carpenter" <brian.e.carpenter@gmail.com> wrote:
If so, we could incorporate a tunnel-to-NAT scenario in

+------+-----+-------+          +------+-----+          +-----+------+
|Server|IPv4 |Encaps |__________|Decaps|NAT44|__________|IPv4 |Client|
|      |stack|in IPv6| IPv6 net |      |     | IPv4 net |stack|      |
+------+-----+-------+          +------+-----+          +-----+------+

A variety variety of 464 configurations, with pros and cons, are being discussed.
IMO they deserve some clarification.
(464 is taken here as meaning "any scenario where a source v4 packet has to be delivered to a destination in v4, possibly modified, via a v6-only zone.)

- Cx     mean  Client using x packets (4 or 6)
- Sy     mean  Server using y packets (4 or 6)
- 4p     mean  private IPv4 (10... etc)
- 4/6    mean  v4 in v6 encap-decap
- NATxy  mean  NAT with x inside to y outside
- Bc     mean IPv4 plus Address and port Borrowing Protocol-Client
- Bs     mean IPv4 plus Address and port Borrowing Protocol-Server

Then we have (at least) the following scenarios:

(C4 4)--4p--(NAT44 4/6)--6--(4/6+ S4)
    The "Tunnel to NAT scenario" above of Brian
    (where the server needs a modified dual stack).

(C4 4)--4p--(NAT46 6)--6--(6 NAT64)--4--(4 S4)
The "464NAT demo at IETF71" of Alain, ref http://www.arin.net/meetings/minutes/ARIN_XXI/PDF/tuesday/464-ARIN_Durand.pdf.

(C4 4)--4p--(NAT44 4/6)--6--(4/6 NAT44)--4--(4 S4)
The SNAT of Ralph Droms, ref http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-droms-softwires-snat-00.txt.

(C4 4)--4p--(NAT44 Bc 4/6)--6--(4/6 Bs 4)--4--(4 S4)
My NAT44+APBP scenario, ref sec. 2 of http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-despres-v6ops-apbp-00.txt.

(C4 Bc 4/6)--6--(4/6 Bs)--4--(4 S4)
My APBP-E2E scenario, sec 5.2 of http://tools.ietf.org/id/draft-despres-v6ops-apbp-00.txt.

Using some kind of shorthand like this one would IMO help identifying which scenario does what.

