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comments on draft-ietf-v6ops-nat64-pb-statement-req-00

Section 3.1:

The taxonomy is missing several unfortunately common cases.

a)      What if a human types in the address?

b)      What about a URL with an IP literal that you get in email or an instant message?

c)       What about apps that “hard code” addresses (e.g., in a config file)?


In the paragraph on referrals, I think “nodes” should be “applications” thoughout.


Section 3.2

Re “… it seems unlikely

that v4-only nodes will have a strong need to communicate with v6-

only nodes (at least at the initial stages of v6 deployment).”

It depends on what you mean by v6-only.  If it’s a dual-stack node that can’t get

a public IPv4 address, that doesn’t seem unlikely.


Typo “or f other”

Typo “need to e modified”


Re “NAT64 box internally.  The last case, where the v4 node has public

address and the NAT64 box has a private address seems harder to

justify though.”

Just put a normal (carrier grade) NAT between the NAT64 and the internet

and you have this case starting from the Public v4/Public v4 case.


Section 4.1

Re “unless explicitly stated in the particular requirement.  The

translation mechanism MAY require changes to v6-only nodes.”

Clarify.  What does v6-only node mean?  Not IPv4-capable?

Connected to an IPv6-only network?

