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Several notification problems


First time writer here!

I've been using Wanderlust for a little while and generally Im very happy with it.

A major hurdle for me has been the notification bit - I cannot seem to get it to work.
In order to be notified of new emails I use the following:

(setq       wl-show-plug-status-on-modeline t)
;; Set mail-icon to be shown universally in the modeline.
(setq global-mode-string

(defun my-wl-folder-name-list ()
  "Return a list of all folder names."
  (let (folder-list
	(id 1)
	(entity (wl-folder-get-folder-name-by-id 1)))
    (setq folder-list (list entity))
    (setq entity (wl-folder-get-next-folder id))
    (while entity
      (setq id (wl-folder-get-entity-id entity))
      (setq folder-list (cons entity folder-list))
      (setq entity (wl-folder-get-next-folder id)))

(defun my-mail-notify ()
  (message "New mail"))

(defun my-wl-biff ()
  "Set up biff on all WL folders."
  (setq wl-biff-check-folder-list (my-wl-folder-name-list)
	wl-biff-check-interval 60)
  (add-hook 'wl-biff-notify-hook 'my-mail-notify)
  (setq wl-biff-use-idle-timer t)

(defun my-elmo-folder-exists-p (folder) t)
(defadvice wl-biff-check-folders (around my-disable-exists-test activate)
  "Disable `elmo-folder-exists-p' and make it return t."
  (let ((real-elmo-folder-exists-p
	 (symbol-function 'elmo-folder-exists-p)))
    (fset 'elmo-folder-exists-p (symbol-function 'my-elmo-folder-exists-p))
    (fset 'elmo-folder-exists-p real-elmo-folder-exists-p)))

(load-file "~/.emacs.d/wl-init.el")

(setq display-time-mail-function
      '(lambda () wl-modeline-biff-status))

(defun mail ()

(setq elmo-imap4-default-server "mail.bestinclass.dk"
      elmo-imap4-default-user "lau"
      elmo-imap4-default-authenticate-type 'clear
      elmo-imap4-default-port '993
      elmo-imap4-default-stream-type 'ssl
      elmo-imap4-use-modified-utf7 nil)


 To start Wanderlust I call M-x mail, which then sets up the polling for each
 folder. Usually (although a bit undeterministic), this will work the first time
 I get a new email - The email icon will light up in yellow on the global modeline
 and once I go read that email, it will go back to normal upon the next update.

 But there are several problems:
   1) This doesnt always happen
   2) This never works the 2.nd time I get a new email - then I wont be notified
   3) If I delete an email, it will (regardless of its state) show up as unread
      in my trash folder. I worked around this by not tracking my .trash folder,
      but then I noticed that I have the same problem for sent mail.

Long story short: The new mail notification is totally unreliable. You can see
my entire config here: https://gist.github.com/9e863cb64eb91bbb696a

Any and all help is greatly appreciated, as I have scavaged all available online
resources, and looted as much config-code as humanly possible.
