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Re: bbdb + icicles + C-tab not working for me

really no body using this combination? 


On Tue, 04 Oct 2011 09:43:09 -0400,
Rodrigo Amestica <ramestica@nrao.edu> wrote:
> Hi,
> for a while I'm having a problem with bbdb. Today I reinstalled bbdb and
> wanderlust from scratch using el-get, but the problem
> persists. There is no icicles recipe in el-get, therefore, I did not
> try reinstalling it.

> In the draft buffer C-tab is bound to icicle-bbdb-complete-name, but
> whenever I try to use it then I get the error shown below.

> Is this a known problem?

> thanks,
>  Rodrigo

> save-current-buffer: Wrong number of arguments: (lambda nil "Return a list of all BBDB records; read in and parse the db if necessary.
> This function also notices if the disk file has been modified." (let ((buf (bbdb-buffer))) (with-current-buffer buf (when (and bbdb-check-auto-save-file (file-newer-than-file-p (make-auto-save-file-name) buffer-file-name)) (if (yes-or-no-p "BBDB auto-save file is newer; recover it? ") (progn (recover-file buffer-file-name) (bury-buffer (current-buffer)) (auto-save-mode 1) (condition-case nil (delete-file (make-auto-save-file-name)) (file-error nil))) (condition-case nil (delete-file (make-auto-save-file-name)) (file-error nil)))) (cond ((verify-visited-file-modtime buf)) ((bbdb-revert-buffer)) ((buffer-modified-p buf) (bbdb-save t t)) (t (message "Continuing with inconsistent BBDB buffers"))) (unless (assq (quote bbdb-records) (buffer-local-variables)) (set (make-local-variable (quote revert-buffer-function)) (quote bbdb-revert-buffer)) (setq buffer-file-coding-system bbdb-file-coding-system buffer-read-only bbdb-read-only) (dolist (hook (cons (quote bbdb-before-save) bbdb!
 -before-save-hook)) (add-hook (quote before-save-hook) hook nil t)) (dolist (hook (cons (quote bbdb-after-save) bbdb-after-save-hook)) (add-hook (quote after-save-hook) hook nil t)) (setq bbdb-end-marker nil bbdb-changed-records nil bbdb-modified nil) (dolist (buffer (buffer-list)) (with-current-buffer buffer (if bbdb-message-cache (setq bbdb-message-cache nil)))) (fillarray bbdb-hashtable 0) (setq bbdb-mail-aliases-need-rebuilt (quote parse)) ...) bbdb-records))), 2