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Re: Instant IMAP folder opening, and cache format

At Sat, 30 Jun 2012 13:22:53 +0100,
Francesco Mazzoli wrote:
> In the end, I've solved this in a fairly brutal way, which works
> beautifully:
>     (define-key wl-folder-mode-map " "
>       (lambda (&optional arg)
>         (interactive "P")
>         (let ((was-plugged wl-plugged))
>           (when was-plugged (wl-toggle-plugged 'off))
>           (wl-folder-jump-to-current-entity arg)
>           (when was-plugged (wl-toggle-plugged 'on)))))
> I'm still looking for a cleaner solution, but this is a good temporary
> fix.

Mhm, it is a bit annoying to always prefetch first. Maybe the best
option is just to use offlineimap and use WL to read the Maildir.

It would be really nice to have elmo/wl to do what offlineimap does -
sync an IMAP server with a maildir.

Francesco * Often in error, never in doubt