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Re: BBDB Horking Up Subject Header

Hi Ken.

This is All the setup I have on my dot_wl file
(define-key wl-draft-mode-map (kbd "<C-tab>") 'bbdb-complete-name)

And bbdb works without any issue. My bbdb version is 3.02


This is the content of my another configuration file (emacs-rc-bbdb.el)
(require 'bbdb-loaddefs "~/.emacs.d/el-get/bbdb/lisp/bbdb-loaddefs.el");; version 3 and later (no autoloads)

(setq bbdb-file "~/.emacs.d/bbdb")           ;; keep ~/ clean; set before loading
(require 'bbdb) 
    bbdb-offer-save 1                        ;; 1 means save-without-asking

    bbdb-use-pop-up t                        ;; allow popups for addresses
    bbdb-electric-p t                        ;; be disposable with SPC
    bbdb-popup-target-lines  1               ;; very small
    bbdb-dwim-net-address-allow-redundancy t ;; always use full name
    bbdb-quiet-about-name-mismatches 2       ;; show name-mismatches 2 secs

    bbdb-always-add-address t                ;; add new addresses to existing...
                                             ;; ...contacts automatically
    bbdb-canonicalize-redundant-nets-p t     ;; x@foo.bar.cx => x@bar.cx

    bbdb-completion-type nil                 ;; complete on anything

    bbdb-complete-name-allow-cycling t       ;; cycle through matches
                                             ;; this only works partially

    bbbd-message-caching-enabled t           ;; be fast
    bbdb-use-alternate-names t               ;; use AKA

    bbdb-elided-display t                    ;; single-line addresses

    ;; auto-create addresses from mail
    bbdb/mail-auto-create-p 'bbdb-ignore-some-messages-hook   
    bbdb-ignore-some-messages-alist ;; don't ask about fake addresses
    ;; NOTE: there can be only one entry per header (such as To, From)
    ;; http://flex.ee.uec.ac.jp/texi/bbdb/bbdb_11.html

    '(( "From" . "no.?reply\\|DAEMON\\|daemon\\|facebookmail\\|twitter"))
;; mail alias
(add-hook 'mail-setup-hook 'bbdb-define-all-aliases)
(add-hook 'message-setup-hook 'bbdb-define-all-aliases)
At Mon, 11 Jun 2012 10:21:06 -0600,
Ken Gunderson wrote:
> Hello Again:
> I finally got around to configuring wl to use bbdb and all seemed well
> (other than bbdb and flspell both competing for ESC TAB keybinding -
> flyspell won) until I tried sending mail to recipient with multiple
> "net" entries, whereupon selection of desired address resulted not
> only in that address being inserted into "To:" field but also chomping
> into "Subject:" header field in the draft buffer.  This occurs to
> various degrees depending upon how long the "net" address is,
> e.g. maybe only leaving the "t" or maybe leaving "ject".
> Nothing special bbdb related in my .emacs:
> (require 'bbdb)
> (bbdb-initialize)
> Nor my .wl:
> (require 'bbdb-wl)
> (bbdb-wl-setup)
> (setq bbdb-use-pop-up nil)
> (setq bbdb/mail-auto-create-p nil)
> (setq wl-summary-from-function 'bbdb-wl-from-func)
> Is this a known wl issue or something insidious....??? 
> Regards-- Ken