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Re: Installing wanderlust on Ubuntu 13.04

Hi Thomas,

At Mon, 10 Mar 2014 22:09:15 -0600,
Thomas Narten wrote:
> Hi.
> I have wanderlust running on one linux system, and thought it would be
> easy to get it installed on a different one running Ubuntu 13.04. But
> no such luck. :-(

I have no particular insight, but I think you are installing in a
difficult way. Here are the best ways to install WL (in my opinion) on
Ubuntu, in descending order of preference:

1. Use el-get with semi-epg. [1]
2. Use el-get with semi.
3. Use the wl-beta Ubuntu/Debian package.
4. Use the Makefile distributed with wl to build. (The Makefile makes
choices of what to install based on the version of emacs you are
using. It is inviting trouble to not use it.)

> When I try to invoke wl, I get the error "Package pgg is obsolete!".
> […]
> I then tried invoking wl and got the error. This seems to be a known
> problem of sorts in Ubuntu.
> http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/WlPgg says:
> > The SEMI package ships with an out of date version of pgg which does
> > not, for example, support gpg-agent. Unfortunately, at least on
> > Ubuntu, this outdated PGG overrides the version shipped with Emacs
> > 22.
> > 
> > Fortunately, SEMI seems to work fine with a more up-to-date PGG. To
> > use the more up-to-date version of PGG, simply delete all pgg*.elc?
> > files shipped with SEMI.

I wrote this wiki article, but it’s not about the “pgg is obsolete
message”. The pgg* files do not seem to be included in the default git
branch of the semi distributed on github, so I guess that advice is
out of date.

best, Erik

1. Here is my el-get recipe for wanderlust with semi-epg:

(setq el-get-sources
      '((:name semi-epg
         :description "SEMI is a library to provide MIME feature for GNU Emacs."
         :depends flim
         :type github
         :branch "semi-1_14-wl"
         :pkgname "ikazuhiro/semi-epg"
          (lambda (target)
            (list el-get-emacs
                  (mapcar (lambda (pkg)
                            (mapcar (lambda (d) `("-L" ,d)) (el-get-load-path pkg)))
                          '("apel" "flim"))
                  (split-string "-batch -q -no-site-file -l SEMI-MK -f")
                  "prefix" "site-lisp" "site-lisp"))
          '("compile-semi" "install-semi"))
         :load-path ("site-lisp/semi/"))
      (:name wanderlust
       :description "Wanderlust bootstrap."
       :depends semi-epg
       :type github
       :pkgname "wanderlust/wanderlust"
       :build (mapcar
               (lambda (target-and-dirs)
                 (list el-get-emacs
                       (mapcar (lambda (pkg)
                                 (mapcar (lambda (d) `("-L" ,d)) (el-get-load-path pkg)))
                                '("apel" "flim" "semi")
                                (when (el-get-package-exists-p "bbdb") (list "bbdb"))))
                       "--eval" (el-get-print-to-string
                                 '(progn (setq wl-install-utils t)
                                         (setq wl-info-lang "en")
                                         (setq wl-news-lang "en")))

                       (split-string "-batch -q -no-site-file -l WL-MK -f")
               '(("wl-texinfo-format" "doc")
                 ("compile-wl-package"  "site-lisp" "icons")
                 ("install-wl-package" "site-lisp" "icons")))
       :info "doc/wl.info"
       :load-path ("site-lisp/wl" "utils"))))

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