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Re: Change ʽAT <date> <USER> wrote:ʼ

On Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:48:26 +0000, John Morris wrote:
> ...which is bad English.

I absolutely agree.  The bad English is very embarrassing.

> Presumably thereʼs some variable to customise, to change the string placed
> before the citation when doing reply-with-citation, but I canʼt find
> it....

AFAIK, there is no variable.  The string is hard-coded in the definition of
wl-default-draft-cite which is in wl-draft.el.  The workaround I use is to
put this into my .wl file:

(eval-after-load "wl-draft"
  '(defun wl-default-draft-cite ()
	  (let ((mail-yank-ignored-headers "[^:]+:")
			  (mail-yank-prefix "> ")
			  date from cite-title)
			(if (< (mark t) (point))
			(narrow-to-region (point)(point-max))
			(setq date (std11-field-body "date")
					from (std11-field-body "from")))
		 (when (or date from)
			(insert (format "On %s, %s wrote:\n"    ;; <-- this line changed
								 (or date "some time ago")
								 (if wl-default-draft-cite-decorate-author
									  (funcall wl-summary-from-function
												  (or from "you"))
									(or from "you")))))

It would be nice to change the date format, that is to have something like
"Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:48" instead of "Thu, 22 Jan 2015 18:48:26 +0000", but I
haven't looked into how to do that.  It really should be a variable.
