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Mail encryption, possible problem with SEMI


I discovered strange behaviour while trying to encrypt mails (Emacs
24.4.1, SEMI is the current version from the melpa archive). The key
ids that are fed to gpg are mostly totally unrelated to the mail's
recipient. The problem seems to be in mime-edit.el. In
mime-edit-encrypt-pgp-mime a recipient list is calculated. A to-header
like 'foo bar <foo@a.b>' is therefore parsed into three elements 'foo',
'bar' and 'foo@a.b', which results in three key ids (depending on the
contents of your key ring). Unfortunately, the key ids resulting from
'foo' and 'bar' are unrelated to this mail in my case (tons of
different keys can be found for foo). And even the key found for
foo@a.b might not be the one one want to use.

As a work around one can use plain mail addresses like 'foo@a.b'.
