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Re: Configuring epg

> > If you mean you have multiple primary keys, try
> > (setq mime-edit-pgp-signers '("AACB3243630052D9"))
> > or set mime-edit-pgp-verbose to t.
> When I set this, I get the following error:
>   Debugger entered--Lisp error: (wrong-type-argument epg-new-signature-p nil)

1. Does the same error occur when you set mime-edit-pgp-verbose to t
and choose the key interactively?

2. Can EasyPG sign with the key?  Please try the below code.

(let ((debug-on-error t)
      (signer "AACB3243630052D9")
      (context (epg-make-context)))
   context (list (car (epg-list-keys context signer))))
  (epg-sign-string context signer 'cleartext))

Kazuhiro Ito