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Re: Thoughts over the holidays - IESG procedures.

Hello, Harald, the next year,

Happy New Year to you and all,

It might be better to be straight that we do not always get
one "token-holder" for the objections to a document and to
make note that these objections are the tracker's "Discusses".
The overall presentation of the process is excellently clear, but 
there's a slight spinning feel to not mentioning the word Discuss.

You might also mention that we fairly often have a pseudo-Discuss
kind of review of a non-standards track working group document
for instance, requirements documents, though the reviews are not

I envision Marshall wondering why his wg's opes architecture and
protocol requirements documents got Discusses from an AD and had to
have a revision (I was the one asking for fixes - I ended up even
doing a teleconf with the design team) - but there's nothing about
this in our charter?

You could add a sentence to 4.2.
