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Re: Informational RFC to be: draft-irtf-idrm-handle-system-03.txt

Hi Sandy,

The IESG does not object to the publication of Handle System Overview
<draft-irtf-idrm-handle-system-03.txt> as an Informational RFC, but do ask
that this text be included as an IESG Note:

    The Handle system has been discussed in the IETF in the working groups
    dealing with URIs. The IESG wants to point out that there is no IETF
    consensus on the current design on the Handle system, and no IETF
    consensus on where it fits in the IETF URI architecture. The IESG
    thinks that with very small changes, the Handle system could fit
    within the IETF URI architecture as an URN namespace as defined in
    RFCs 2276, 3305 and 3406.