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Re: draft-richardson-ipsec-opportunistic-11 again

In message <200302271812.h1RICNUN024092@marajade.sandelman.ottawa.on.ca>, Micha
el Richardson writes:
>I'd like the IESG to consider publishing
>draft-richardson-ipsec-opportunistic-11 as Informational.
>This document was partially re-written last summer by a tech writer, so
>I hope that no more word smithing is necessary.
>This documents a protocol which is in current, and growing use. 
>This document specifies use of the IPsec subtype of the KEY resource record,
>whose use was obsoleted by RFC3445, the IESG may prefer to recommend
>Historical at this time if this is a problem.

Given the creation of the IPSECKEY wg, wouldn't it be better to wait 
and publish a revised version of this as Proposed?

		--Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb (me)
		http://www.wilyhacker.com (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)