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Re: Updated Internet Draft draft-rfc-editor-rfc2223bis-04.txt

  *> I do not believe that this has been consistent.  Like may things, it has 
  *> probably evolved over the years.  Here are some examples that I know about.

Well, tolerating mild inconsistency is not only endemic to the Internet, it is
a principle of the architecture! ;-)

  *> RFC 1113 (and the RFCs that it obsoletes) - This was actually generated 
  *> before the IRTF existed.  The IAB Privacy Task Force became the Privacy and 
  *> Security Research Group when the IRTF was formed.
  *> RFC 1421 - This was a transition point from the IRTF to the IETF,

Both of these were apparently submitted by John Linn.  I assume that
Jon Postel treated them as Linn's individual submissions.

  *> If the current practice for IRTF research groups to generate standards 
  *> track documents via individual submissions, then that is fine with me.  I 
  *> do think that this practice should be included in this section of the document.

?? The IRSG may generate standards track documents as a WG would, but
they must still reach the RFC Editor via the IESG, i.e., as an IETF

