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RE: draft-ietf-ppvpn-requirements-05.txt

--On torsdag, mars 06, 2003 16:34:10 +0100 "Wijnen, Bert (Bert)" <bwijnen@lucent.com> wrote:

> RFC1777 is HISTORIC (as per RFC3494).

can we fix that with an RFC ed note?

Sure. Propose one.
Here's a proposal.... better mention it to the authors first; it occasionally happens that people WANT to refer to LDAPv2 (happened in PKIX), but when that happens, it's usually a far more intimate reference; I don't think these people care about the difference.

RFC Editor:

Please replace all references to RFC 1777 (LDAPv2) with a reference to RFC 3377 (LDAPv3).

There are two references of the form [RFC1777] in section 3.7 of the document, and one reference in the references section.