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Re: address directorate ping

--On tirsdag, mars 11, 2003 08:00:42 -0500 Randy Bush <randy@psg.com> wrote:

Query: would it make sense to do this the same way as the IRTF WGs do,
and  pair the limited-membership, clueful-people-only (?) directorate
with an  open mailing list for discussing the same set of issues?
the rirs have those lists up the ying yang.  we should not step over
on to their turf.
us claiming to have an open process for talking about these things requires either that the directorate does nothing external but point to what WGs are relevant, or that the directorate have a default "everything suggested by the directorate will be publicly discussed there" thing.

if we think that the directorate will always find WGs to point at, it's OK.