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Re: please review rfc-index.xml

It would be nice if the XML schema used by the RFC index incorporated all of the element types found in the <reference> element of RFC 2629.

That way citation libraries, like the one at xml.resource.org, could easily generate the XML needed for doing 2629 style draft composition.


RFC Editor wrote:
Dear IESG, IAB, and XML-directorate-

The RFC Editor has completed an initial release of the RFC index in
XML format.  We would like to request that you review it and send
comments to rfc-editor@rfc-editor.org.  It is temporarily located at
http://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc-index.xml.  Once it is ready for public
distribution it will be placed next to rfc-index.txt in the RFC
repository (ftp://ftp.rfc-editor.org/in-notes/).

--aaron (for the RFC Editor)