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Re: gui ascii art

In message <20030321180529.D7671236E@thangorodrim.hactrn.net>, Rob Austein writ
>turns out that we have a gui tool for drawing ascii art: gnu emacs21
>"artist-mode", which is a mouse-driven package on top of picture-mode.
>randy and i found this via a cycle we've gone through before: somebody
>on iab or iesg says "wish i had a tool for...", we fail to find it, so
>we design it, then google for what we just designed, and discover that
>somebody already wrote it and we have it on our laptops.
This may be the straw that finally makes me learn emacs...  (I have 
some nice 'pic' macros, but those don't do much good when writing RFCs. 
And I think that Jon Bentley once wrote a troff -- not nroff -- 
preprocessor for the task.)

		--Steve Bellovin, http://www.research.att.com/~smb (me)
		http://www.wilyhacker.com (2nd edition of "Firewalls" book)