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Re: New IPR statement

--On 26. mars 2003 10:50 -0800 Joyce Reynolds <jkrey@ISI.EDU> wrote:


The RFC Editor has heard that there is a new IPR statement.  We would
like to be proactive and begin placing the new IPR into standards track
RFCs-to-be.  When is the RFC Editor supposed to be officially informed
of this statement?  Also, is it supposed to be included in BCPs?

we do NOT want the RFC Editor to modify their procedures until the documents have been approved - until then, RFC 2026 is the governing document. The IPR WG intends to send these documents to WG Last Call after edits agreed in San Francisco have been incorporated - so they won't even be in IETF Last Call for some time yet.

The relevant documents are draft-ietf-ipr-submissions and draft-ietf-ipr-technology; I would appreciate it if you could check that the instructions to the RFC Editor in these documents are clear and reasonable.

Thanks for asking!
