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Re: Permission to copy/publish your IETF draft document

--On tirsdag, mars 25, 2003 16:11:31 -0700 Jean-Francois Mule <jf.mule@cablelabs.com> wrote:

Per your request, we are removing the text of this draft from the ITU-T
document. Note that CableLabs is following a recommendation from Scott
Bradner by requesting permission from the authors.
Thank you for acceding to the request; this is a good thing for the IETF/Cablelabs/ITU relationship.

Note that Altman's reason for asking for its removal is that the technology described in the document has serious flaws; this illustrates the need to participate actively in the IETF engineering process when attempting to use IETF technology before it has reached its final form.

Asking the authors was an excellent way to surface this fact.

Harald Alvestrand