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Evaluation: draft-dasilva-l2tp-relaysvc - L2TP Active Discovery Relay for PPPoE to Proposed Standard

Last Call to expire on: 2003-1-29

	Please return the full line with your position.

                    Yes    No-Objection  Discuss *  Abstain  

Harald Alvestrand   [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 
Randy Bush          [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 
Bill Fenner         [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 
Ned Freed           [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 
Ted Hardie          [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 
Russ Housley        [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 
Allison Mankin      [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 
Thomas Narten       [ X ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 
Erik Nordmark       [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Jon Peterson        [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 
Bert Wijnen         [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ]
Alex Zinin          [   ]     [   ]       [   ]      [   ] 

 2/3 (9) Yes or No-Objection opinions needed to pass. 
 * Indicate reason if 'Discuss'.
To: IETF-Announce:;
Dcc: *******
Cc: RFC Editor <rfc-editor@isi.edu>,
 Internet Architecture Board <iab@iab.org>, l2tpext@ietf.org
From: The IESG <iesg-secretary@ietf.org>
Subject: Protocol Action: L2TP Active Discovery Relay for PPPoE to 
	   Proposed Standard

The IESG has approved the Internet-Draft 'L2TP Active Discovery Relay 
for PPPoE' <draft-dasilva-l2tp-relaysvc-06.txt> as a Proposed 
Standard. This document is the product of the Layer Two Tunneling 
Protocol Extensions Working Group. The IESG contact persons are 
Thomas Narten and Erik Nordmark.
Technical Summary
PPPoE is often deployed in conjunction with L2TP to carry PPP frames
over a network beyond the reach of the local Ethernet network to
which a PPPoE Host is connected. For example, PPP frames tunneled
within PPPoE may be received by an L2TP Access Concentrator (LAC) and
then tunneled to any L2TP Network Server (LNS) reachable via an IP

In addition to tunneling PPP over Ethernet, PPPoE defines a simple
method for discovering services offered by PPPoE Access Concentrators
(PPPoE AC) reachable via Ethernet from the PPPoE Host. Since the
packets used in this exchange are not carried over PPP, they are not
tunneled with the PPP packets over L2TP, thus the discovery
negotiation cannot extend past the LAC without adding functionality.

This document describes a simple method for relaying PPPoE Access
Discovery (PAD) messages over L2TP by extracting the PAD messages and
sending them over the L2TP control channel. After the completion of
setup through the processing of PAD messages, PPP packets arriving
via PPPoE are then tunneled over L2TP in the usual manner as defined
in L2TP [2]. Thus, there are no data plane changes required at the
LAC or LNS to support this feature. Also, by utilizing the L2TP
control channel, the PPPoE discovery mechanism is transported to the
LNS reliably, before creation of any L2TP sessions, and may take
advantage of any special treatment applied to control messages in
transit or upon receipt.
Working Group Summary
There was support for this document in the WG.
Protocol Quality
This document has been reviewed for the IESG by Thomas Narten.