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Re: Comments on draft-iab-secmech-02.txt

Is the IESG managing the community input, or is the IAB
managing it, for IAB documents?

(The right answer, IMO, is that we should get community
input from any source we can, and I'm all for that.  But
having Erik forward an anonymized review from a non-IESG
reviewer as part of the IESG's opportunity to review
an IAB document strikes me as getting close to
square-dancing in a minefield...).


Randy Bush wrote:
These look like helpful comments. Could you get the
ops-dir reviewer to send them to the document editor and/or the IAB? The document is out for community
input at the moment.

Given that this is an IAB document, sending the comments
to the IESG doesn't seem the most constructive target.

it is said that these comments were sent to the authors.

when iesg reviewers comment on a document for which i am AD,
i aggregate the comments and send them to the wg.  seems to
me that there is an analog to the iesg's liaison to the iab.

what am i missing here?



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                               -- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle