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Here are my comments on this draft.

> Where a specification is required, this MUST be an Internet-Draft or
> RFC. For Designated Expert with Specification Required, the request is
> posted to the AAA WG mailing list (or a successor designated by the Area
> Director) for comment and review, and MUST include an Internet-Draft or
> RFC. 

Note. "Specification Required" as defined in 2434 does not allow an ID
to be used, as IDs are not (supposed to be) "permanent". 2434 says:

>       Specification Required - Values and their meaning must be
>             documented in an RFC or other permanent and readily available
>             reference, in sufficient detail so that interoperability
>             between independent implementations is possible.

I suspect what you are intending here is an ID with the intention of
publishing it as an RFC. But that is a bit tricky to specify. Is that
what the intention is?

Also, one would be requesting a radius code point for an existing RFC?
That seems odd, but is also implied as normal by the above.

Also, the document needs a security considerations section.
