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RE: RFC Editor Current Queue (fwd)

--On onsdag, april 09, 2003 12:32:17 +0200 "Wijnen, Bert (Bert)" <bwijnen@lucent.com> wrote:

I believe I have only one of those on my queue
TO           21.0 draft-aromanov-snmp-hiqa-04.txt              23.0
And... I started to do the Policy FW WG docs (which have been in queue
for more than 6 months also). I figured those have priority.

I can update the tracker and state
  "delayed because of high workload by regular WG documents"

Would that help?

is there any way to get help to you in reviewing either the Policy FW docs or the aromanov doc (or the rest of your queue)?

ie if you're overloaded with a long queue, that's a more important problem, and we should fix that.... the RFC-Ed stuff is just one symptom.
