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Re: draft-zeilenga-ldap-user-schema

I found the definition of ;binary with a little searching.
RFC 2252, from December 1997:

4.3.1 Binary Transfer of Values

This encoding format is used if the binary encoding is requested by
the client for an attribute, or if the attribute syntax name is
"". The contents of the LDAP
AttributeValue or AssertionValue field is a BER-encoded instance of
the attribute value or a matching rule assertion value ASN.1 data
type as defined for use with X.500. (The first byte inside the OCTET
STRING wrapper is a tag octet. However, the OCTET STRING is still
encoded in primitive form.)

All servers MUST implement this form for both generating attribute
values in search responses, and parsing attribute values in add,
compare and modify requests, if the attribute type is recognized and
the attribute syntax name is that of Binary. Clients which request
that all attributes be returned from entries MUST be prepared to
receive values in binary (e.g. userCertificate;binary), and SHOULD
NOT simply display binary or unrecognized values to users.

Formally, this is not obsoleted, and draft-zeilenga does not touch it.
(BTW, ;binary was ADDED in the transition from LDAPv2 to LDAPv3.... I think something like it had been used without specification in LDAPv2, but I think the first formal definition was in LDAPv3 - exactly to fix the certificate problem).

From RFC 2798, "The LDAP inetOrgPerson object class", one can see that
userSMIMECertificate and userPKCS12 have the ...121.1.5 syntax.
The "userCertificate" attribute does NOT have this syntax (but that definition is rather useless anyway).

RFC 2985, the PKCS#9 republication, specifies the ..121.1.5 syntax for all its crypto-related attributes. So those attributes are intended to be handled as "binary" anyway.

WRT referenced drafts:

draft-klasen-ldap-x509certificate-schema "explodes" a certificate into its component elements, so that matching can occur on any certificate element.

draft-legg-ldapext-component-matching describes a matching rule of quite horrific complexity, but with the power to match any ASN.1 component of any object represented in ASN.1 - so that you could theoretically ask for matching on the middle initial of an X.400 address embedded in a certificate that is part of a CRL list. It also presupposes that LDAP servers have access to the ASN.1 definition of the syntax for data stored as ASN.1 - something that is rather horrifying to me.

But still - I can't find the linkage between draft-zeilenga-ldap-user-schema and the ;binary mess - I can't see how approving (or not) draft-zeilenga-ldap-user-schema affects certificate storage.

The link I can see would be blocking anything in LDAP space until they have sorted out the cert mess - but that's a RATHER drastic measure.

Delaying this until the retreat seems like a sensible course; there are few disasters that will occur in 2 more weeks.
