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Re: draft-ietf-msdp-spec

>Do you mean RFC 2385?  The same option I'm writing an RFC deprecating, 
>because this doesn't seem to conform to the environment we're declaring 
>appropriate for it?  

Right.  There's a real disconnect between the "use IPsec for new stuff"
and "use TCP MD5 because we already have implementations" communities.
IPsec with static keys (which is all that we could probably expect
implementation of, let alone deployment) doesn't really give you that
much more than TCP MD5.

The MSDP WG was torn between specifying something that they didn't feel
that anyone would implement (IPsec) and something that they knew that
the IESG would not particularly approve of (TCP-MD5).  The Routing Area
directors at the time had no real direction to give.
