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Re: Agenda, version zero

--On onsdag, april 23, 2003 15:13:05 -0700 Ted Hardie <hardie@qualcomm.com> wrote:

Hi Harald,
	Speaking as a newcomer, some more education/discussion
of how the IESG interacts with working groups would be welcome.
I note that at the moment you have two sessions on how to deal
with document processing (running, essentially, from 1 to 3:15 on
Tuesday).  I'd find it valuable to have some time to discuss:

	How do we decide to charter WGs?

	 How do we keep working groups on track, both in
	terms of working to plan and working to milestones?

	How do we get cross-working group or cross-area
	clue flowing?

	To put it another way, at the moment, the agenda focuses
on managing the end of the production process; some focus
on the other parts of the process would be good.
good comment. what should we remove?

there's a trap in the way we do things - in that wg management is done quite a lot "by ear", while document review is such a commonplace activity that we have fairly rigid rules for it - and need to make sure those rules are "right".

what should we remove?