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RE: Evaluation: draft-ietf-pkix-rfc2511bis - Internet X.509 Publi cKey Infrastructure Certificate Request Message Format (CRMF) to Propose dStandard

actually RFC 2511 is inconsistent; the collected syntax says it's claled id-regInfo-utf8Pairs.

I suspect they did the ASCII -> UTF-8 change, but checked the collected syntax more thoroughly than the inline syntax....


--On mandag, april 28, 2003 08:18:02 -0700 Bill Fenner <fenner@research.att.com> wrote:

The authors tell me that the ASN.1 has not changed from RFC 2511.
Presumably they meant "in a significant way"; the ASCII -> UTF8
change probably does count as a change.  Changing the name of an
OID is not legal in SNMP; I have no idea what the rules are for this.
(This document renames { id-regInfo 1 } from id-regInfo-asciiPairs to

(see http://irg.attlabs.net/~fenner/2511bis.html )
