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Re: RFC Editor and IESG DNP requests

I think I understand this well enough, but to clarify two things:

1) The author is told they may re-submit after six months, and it is up
to the author to decide to re-submit. That is, this is not in any way
automatic or a default of the process, but requires the author
to take the initiative to do so. If and when they resubmit, the
IESG can ask for a second (and last) six months delay. This delay
timer starts on the receipt of the resubmission (which means that
the total delay may be over six + six months, if the author chooses
to delay resubmission).

2) The IESG retains the right to add a note describing its view
of the document. This note may make references to specific documents
in process in working groups; the RFC Editor intends to treat all
such references as informative, so that publication may proceed
without waiting on the documents to complete.

If that is a correct understanding, I am willing to go along,
but I don't think it is the best approach. The IESG has historically
been able to refer work that came in via the RFC editor to a
working group writing specifications in that area. This mechanism essentially
eliminates that ability. If, for example, the SLC working group is working
on IP over stretched leather cord and a document comes in describing
IP over suede, the IESG should be able to say: "Hi, do this work over
in the SLC working group, so that we have a standard that works over
smooth and napped leather." If the SLC working group says "this work
is subsumed by another approach in progress", that strikes me as the
right thing _for the working group_ to do. Under this process, the
RFC editor could get that document (possibly again), start these timers,
and the IP over suede document would eventually be published as distinct from
the "IP over napped and un-napped leather" documents.
I argued at the retreat and I continue to believe that the right
idea is to have a different archival series that documents alternate
solutions, rejected ideas, and the output of the loyal opposition.
I would personally value the work of the independent RFC editor
in editing such a series. I believe that at the moment, though,
we are using the same series for too many different things. To
make a parallel to physical manufacturing, we are currently using the
same output as an escape valve and a production line. That
worked in the past only because folks carefully read the labels
on the output; we're pretty convinced now that they don't.
Again, if there is consensus that the timer + notes approach
is the best way to go forward, I will go along. Thanks for listening
to my alternate solution, rejected idea, and comment from
the loyal opposition,
best regards,
Ted Hardie

On Tuesday, May 6, 2003, at 01:47 PM, Aaron Falk wrote:


I had a chance to chat with the rest of the RFC Editor crew about the
issue of document authors taking drafts which were rejected by a
working group and sending them to us as individual submissions.

We understand that the feeling in the IESG is that, in some cases,
this can be damaging to the working group process by removing the
social engineering tool of forcing wg participants to achieve
consensus in order to get a solution published.  We also understand
that there is a perception in the IESG that publishing individual
solutions before working groups complete can be damaging to the
Internet by confusing the marketplace (although we would really like
some evidence where this has occurred).

It was clear to me at the retreat that the IESG recognizes the value
of an independent RFC Editor and an archive of alternate, rejected,
and known bad solutions and would like to see these documents
published eventually.

So, with all that in mind, I want to clarify the RFC Editor's position
on the issue at hand.  The IESG may request that publication of an
individual submission may be delayed by six months by sending RFC
Editor a "Do Not Publish" (DNP) note containing description of the
risks posed by the document.  In other words, we would like to
understand the specifics of the request.

The author will receive a note including the IESG DNP message and an
explanation that the draft may be resubmitted in six months.  We feel
that a timed delay is important since some working groups do not
complete their work.  When the draft is re-submitted, the IESG may
request one additional six month delay if there is sufficient reason
to believe the working group will deliver it's output in that time.

Just to be clear: the RFC Editor *will* honor an IESG DNP request.  We
would like to understand the specifics and hope that these are rare
occurrences.  I'm happy to discuss this further if you have questions.

--aaron (for the RFC Editor)