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Informational RFC to be: draft-foster-mgcp-returncodes-02.txt


This RFC-to-be was submitted to the RFC Editor to be published as
Informational: draft-foster-mgcp-returncodes-02.txt.

Four week timeout is initiated (24 June 2003).

        Media Gateway Control Protocol (MGCP) Return Code Usage

  This document provides implementation guidelines for the use of
  return codes in the Media Gateway Control Protocol MGCP 1.0 (RFC
  3435). Return codes in RFC 3435 do not cover all possible specific
  situations that may ever occur in a gateway. That is not possible and
  not necessary. What is important is to ensure that the Call Agent
  that receives a return code behaves appropriately and consistently
  for the given situation. The purpose of this document is to provide
  implementation guidelines to ensure that consistency.

Note:  There are some minor editorial problems with this document, but
they can be fixed during publication.


Sandy Ginoza - USC/ISI
Request for Comments Documents