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favor on draft-ietf-mobileip-reg-revok-07.txt

Hi Allison.

I'm about to disappear, and the document
draft-ietf-mobileip-reg-revok-07.txt is one that 3GPP2 wants approved
by the end of this month (i.e., during the telechat).

It's been on the agenda before, and only Steve has a discuss, and
there is a new rev, and he knows he needs to review, and I've asked
that it be put back on the agenda...

But, since Erik appears to be offline this week (great timing for the
INT ADs!) he may miss the call.

Also, given the secretariat is struggling extra hard to cover for
Jacqueline, the announcement might not make it out right away if the
document gets approved..

What I'd like to see happen:

1) steve clear his discuss (knock on wood) (chairs/authors are aware
   of the timing issue and will work to quickly resolve any remaining
   issues if there are any)

2) IESG approves

3) please send a note to Tom Hiller saying it was approved, and the
   official announcement will follow in a few days. That way, they
   will (hopefully) not freak out if the official approval doesn't
   appear right away.

Hopefully this will all go smoothly...
