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UTF-8 (Re: draft-legg-ldap-gser-abnf-06.txt and friends)

--On søndag, mai 25, 2003 13:24:23 -0700 Bill Fenner <fenner@research.att.com> wrote:

(Maybe we talked about this when 2279bis happened, but I must have
forgotten already -- why was it OK to delete the 5 and 6 byte
Because UNICODE and ISO in their infinite wisdom answered your next question....

Will there never be UCS characters larger than U+10FFFF?
No. They can't be encoded in UTF-16, so rather than extend UTF-16, they just declared that the problem will never arise.

Should this change be mentioned in 2279bis in a "changes since 2279
It is there, although the implications may be less than obvious:

12. Changes from RFC 2279

  o  Restricted the range of characters to 0000-10FFFF (the UTF-16
     accessible range).

Am I attempting to retroactively apply a DISCUSS on a
I hope not - draft-yergeau needs to get out the door!

 Will the questions never end?)

Never :-)