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RE: I-D <draft-mcdonald-iana-charset-mib-02.txt>


W.r.t. the 2n paragraph.... 

- This MIB module is a translation of the registry at
  http://www.iana.org/assignments/character-sets. I.e. it
  is a MIB representation of that registry.
- The idea is that the authoritative registry stays at
- They provided you with a tool to generate a MIB from
- But you can do it manually as well if you like.

Hope this explains what needs/can be done.

So probably we should change the 2nd para:
  Whenever any 'charset' is added to the IANA Charset Registry
  [CHARSET], a new version of the IANA Charset MIB [CHARMIB] should be
  machine-generated using the C language utility [CHARGEN] described in
  section 3 of this document or some other utility.
  Whenever any 'charset' is added to the IANA Charset Registry
  [CHARSET], the IANA Charset MIB [CHARMIB] must be updated as well.
  A new version of that MIB can be machine-generated using the C
  language utility [CHARGEN] described in section 3 of this document
  or some other utility. The IANA can also opt to do the updates
  manually, as long as the MIB module stays in sync with the 
Does that make things cleared for you?


> -----Original Message-----
> From: IANA [mailto:iana@iana.org]
> Sent: zaterdag 31 mei 2003 1:03
> To: Ted Hardie; Ned Freed
> Cc: IESG
> Subject: I-D <draft-mcdonald-iana-charset-mib-02.txt>
> Ted, Ned,
> Ted was holding this document back for me.
> Hopefully this message will help us clear
> my concerns/questions.
> <http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-mcdonald-iana-chars
> et-mib-02.txt>
> The IANA considerations says the following:
> 5.  IANA Considerations
>    IANA should assign a base arc in the 'mgmt' (standards track) OID
>    tree for the 'ianaCharset' MODULE-IDENTITY defined in the IANA
>    Charset MIB [CHARMIB].
>    Whenever any 'charset' is added to the IANA Charset Registry
>    [CHARSET], a new version of the IANA Charset MIB [CHARMIB] 
> should be
>    machine-generated using the C language utility [CHARGEN] 
> described in
>    section 3 of this document or some other utility.
> I understand the IANA needs to add this MIB to the website and we will
> maintain it just like the IANA ifType MIB and others.  I also 
> understand
> that we will need to assign a mib-2 number.
> The second paragraph is a bit confusing.  It is not something I have
> seen before.  Can either one of you explain what needs to be done here
> and how I do it?
> Thanks,
> Michelle