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Re: [iesg-secretary #7932] Concrete packaging spec


if you gave the specific draft names or titles you are querying about the status of, it would make the task of the IETF folks in tracking down the answer much easier.... what was the question?

harald Alvestrand

--On tirsdag, juni 10, 2003 17:15:00 -0400 Jacqueline Hargest <jhargest@foretec.com> wrote:

Your request #7932 was resolved by jhargest:


Your questions have been forwarded to the IESG.

IETF Secretariat

Original Message >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
From: Eliezer Birinbom <Eliezerb@matrix.co.il>
Subject: Concrete packaging spec

Considering the fact that both DIME and WS-Attachments have expired on
December 2002, what active standard can we use ?
Has anyone picked up the glove and made progress with this issue ?