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Re: Last Call: String Profile for iSCSI Names to Proposed Standard

For clarity, the draft should mention that bidirectional characters
are not handled (if this is what is intended), since there is a
warning about doing so in RFC 3454.  It may be better to support bidi
handling instead.

Throughout the document: Unicode 3.1 should be replaced with Unicode
3.2, since RFC 3454 uses Unicode 3.2 and does not define anything for
any other Unicode version than 3.2.

Section 1 says:

   - The character repertoire that is the input and output to
     stringprep: Unicode 3.1, specified in section 2.
   - The mappings used: specified in section 3.
   - The Unicode normalization used: specified in section 4.
   - The characters that are prohibited as output: specified in section

The section numbers are off by one.

Section 3 says:

   This profile uses Unicode 3.1, as defined in [RFC3454] Appendix A.1.

The reference should be Appendix A, not A.1.

Section 6 says:

      Table C.1
      Table C.2

There are no tables C.1 and C.2.  They are called C.1.1, C.1.2 and
C.2.1, C.2.2 respectively in the RFC, and it is not clear if all
tables are intended to be included.

Section 12 says:

[NAMEPREP]  Paul Hoffman and Marc Blanchet.  Nameprep: A Stringprep
            Profile for Internationalized Domain Names.  Work in
            Progress, draft-ietf-idn-nameprep-11, June 2002.

Perhaps RFC 3491 is a more stable reference.
