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Re: [Fwd: [Rir-ietf] Recent Request for v6 Space]


How about this:


The IAB has reviewed the situation presented in your note,
and we agree that it is inappropriate to make an allocation
based on an Internet-Draft that has not been approved for
publication within the IETF. Such an action would constitute
an end-run around IETF process and the IETF-RIR working relationship.

We noted that the document in question has an "IANA Considerations"
section that details a proposed allocation. Should this document
complete its path through the IETF process, we believe it would
be appropriate for the IETF to use the IANA considerations
process for the IETF to set up the allocation, as opposed to
having the document editors request the allocation directly.


Geoff Huston wrote:

Could you add a reference to the fact that the draft has an
IANA considerations sections in it - i..e. if it ever made its
way through the IETF process in its current form, the draft's
author(s) see that this would be an IANA allocation rather
than an RIR allocation.


At 06:17 PM 13/06/2003 -0400, Leslie Daigle wrote:

The IAB discussed this on their monthly conference call this

Our thought is that an appropriate reply is to say that
we don't believe any allocation should be made based on
an Internet-Draft -- it is incomplete IETF work.  And stop there.

Note that the obvious implication is that the authors
could re-publish the same words in pdf on their own website.
But, it would then be up to ARIN (or APNIC or RIPE) to determine
whether they have a policy for such allocations.

To that end, a draft reply (my composition in the light of
the IAB discussion -- no one else on the IAB has had the opportunity
to comment on this yet):


The IAB has reviewed the situation presented in your note,
and we agree that it is inappropriate to make an allocation
based on an Internet-Draft that has not been approved for
publication within the IETF.  Such an action would constitute
an end-run around IETF process and the IETF-RIR working relationship.




Randy Bush wrote:

I think Thomas & Erik will have particular things to say
here (as ngtrans was in their Area)

well, not exactly, though i would gladly would have given it to
them and i think i even tried a couple of times.
the issue here is
  o christian has done a lot of work improving this
  o but the current/recent incarnation has had no real review
  o and this is because the wg, v6ops, is doing scenarios before
  o i.e., at this time it would be an end-run around an active
    wg's work


    Yours to discover."
                               -- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle


    Yours to discover."
                               -- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle