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Re: Open IAB meeting during IETF 57 working sessions

I think we need to take the step back and choose whether we're

a/ holding a not-high-key working meeting during the regular
meeting agenda, in which case we have to recognize we are going to collide with relevant things; we (like every
WG/BoF) need to find the least-bad slot and recognize that
we are going to miss people in the community (including
IAB folk).

b/ clearing the schedule to ensure that anyone who wants to
come, can come -- currently implementable (only) by carving off part of the plenary timeslot.
Personally, I would prefer that we manage to do this as "a/"; I think it is important to do this work as part of the flow of IETF work, and I think it is important that not
everything the IAB does is held apart as if it is special and rarefied.
I believe we can do that if we recognize that the meeting
is one opportunity to collect data, and that we need to reproduce that data in a way that will be intelligible
to people not able to attend the meeting (duh; we should
do that anyway) as well as providing a means for further
input after the meeting. Like other IETF activities (WGs
and BoFs).

If that seems reasonable, then which is the least bad slot,
given that absolutely none of them are good?

Bernard Aboba wrote:
Question: could an abbreviated version of this conversation take place at the during the IAB plenary?


Yours to discover."
-- ThinkingCat
Leslie Daigle