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Re: draft-allan-mpls-loadbal-04.txt


The RFC Editor would like to publish this independent submission.
We suggest the following alterations to meet the concerns of the
MPLS working group.

1. Remove the word "guideline" from the title, the abstract, and the
	text.  We suggest something like "a suggested approach"
	or "A possible approach", instead of "guideline".

2. Add a sentence or two to the Introduction saying that this suggestion
	may not match existing and deployed MPLS implementations, but ...

3. We suggest that with the above changes and with the IESG note,
	the document will not longer be misleading.  We therefore
	would like to modify the IESG NOTE from "... was found to
	be misleading due to inconsistency..." to "... was found
	to be inconsistent...".

RFC Editor