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Re: <draft-ietf-webdav-ordering-protocol-09.txt>

Hi Michelle,
	It just means that DAV: and opaquelocktoken are
required for this to work.  The last sentence of the 2518
IANA considerations is:

   To ensure correct interoperation based on this specification, IANA
   must reserve the URI namespaces starting with "DAV:" and with
   "opaquelocktoken:" for use by this specification, its revisions, and
   related WebDAV specifications.

and the language in this draft just means "this one of the specifications
related to WebDAV we talked about in 2518".  If you were maintaining
a registry of things like DAV:propfind etc., there would be some new
entries, but from what I can tell they have never requested such a
registry and don't want one.
	Hope that helps,
				Ted Hardie

At 4:48 PM -0700 7/9/03, Michelle S. Cotton wrote:

In looking at the above mentioned document,
the IANA Considerations says the following:

13. IANA Considerations

   This document uses the namespaces defined by [RFC2518] for properties
   and XML elements.  All other IANA considerations mentioned in
   [RFC2518] also apply to this document.

Does this mean there are items to be assigned in this document
in the registry created by RFC2518?
I don't think this is real clear.

