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Re: Evaluation: draft-ietf-webdav-ordering-protocol - WebDAV OrderedCollections Protocol

Hi Allison,
	By "ordering semantics" they mean the value of
DAV:"ordering-type", i.e, DAV:unordered or DAV:custom.
Any other URI there indicates that it has some ordering
semantics identified by that URI.  At the moment,
pretty much all will be custom, since this is for server
maintained by client-specified orders (like page numbers).
The working group would like eventually to have server-applied
semantics, but didn't get that done in this document.  I
see the any other URI  possibility as a hook for that in the future,
and I suspect that is why they used the relatively
rarified "ordering semantics" language rather than something
more plain.

Server-applied semantics opens up the interesting question of general
specification of orderings. I don't know the current state of play for
this in XML-land, but I'm glad this document elected not to go there.
