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dna bof report

lots of talks on tips and tricks to detect network attachment, avoid IPv6
DAD delay, mobile-ip6 stuff, and such.
the solution space spans too broadly, and conflict with
other WG too much (ipv6, dhc, mobileip, L2/L2.5 maybe).

is the goal (1) propose fix to other wg's document and
(2) do some Informational/BCP?  or something else?
i see that they have problem to solve, but i'm not sure if it can become a WG
by itself.  they should visit other WGs and raise issues instead.
(could AD who hosted this BOF give some suggestion/clarification?)


- mechanism to determine whether it is attached to a network
- intermittent connectivity, mobility/nomadic
- existing upper layer time constraints

- find one or more way to reliably detect that we're attached to the network
- inform upper-layers
	mobile-ip[46], dhcp, tcp/udp, 

mobile-ip6 moving detection
dhcp6 confirmation messages

Problem Description/Existing work (40 Min):

1 Movement Detection in Mobileip (JinHyeock Choi)

	MD overview, proces, methods, problem,s, requirements

	checking the reahability of current access router
	checking the validity of the current care-of addr
	router discovery with all the necessary info

	inconsistency of RA info
	delay to check the reachability of current CoA
	random delay in rs/ra exchange
	erroneous detection/unnecessary signallng

	requirement/further steps
	MD scheme requirement
		fast/low time delay
		precise/secure/little error
		efficient/limit signalling

	TJ: which upper-layer needs to be notified?

	TJ: problem domain:
		solution for everyone
		fast handover (going experimental - not for everyone)

	choi: asked implementers, there's no clear single way to do this

	TJ: lower-layer.  huge difference depending on which lower layer you
		are on.  problem domain?

		basically looking at L3 technology, but L2 hints would be nice

	choi: solution should not depend on particular L2 technology

2 Link Detection in zeroconf and DHCPv4 (Bernard Aboba)

	why the interest in DNA (detecting network attachment)?
		todays' hosts are often mobile
		ip config latency is a significant fraction of
		total roaming latency
		assignment of an ipv4 linklocal address typically
		the result of the bug in the host/network fault,
		nor detectionor of adhoc network

	DNAv4 model
		hints - non-definitive info L2 hints , L3(IRDP)
		most likely point of attachment (POA)
		reachaability detection
		address re-acquisition

	what RFC2131 says
	what zeroconf-ipv4-linklocal says
	a bad idea if taken literally
		host connects to an adhoc POA, selects ipv4ll addr
		host moves to another POA
			performs ipv4ll claim and defeend
			uses selected ipv4ll addr
		host never obtains a routabele address!
			don't select an ipv4ll as a first resort OR
			test reachability of autoconf neighbor(s) first

	DNA is an important aspect of mobility
		poor implementation can result in mobile hosts that are never connected
	some grey areas in rfc2131, ipv4ll spec
	quesetion; where should this work be handled

	droms: how to proceed?  1 doc, 2 docs, 4 docs?  multiple working groups...
	spencer: in trigtran there was some discussion
	narten: spliting document may be good
	sra: need to fix zeroconf
	droms: need to fix dhcp as a response to fix to zeroconf
	itojun: how to publish?  informational? - yes


	retransmissions and timeouts
	exponential backoff with initial randomization
	issues w/ dhcpv6 address confirmation
		need to know dhcpv6 server availability (prior RA)
		need for configuration of link-instance prefix knowledge in routers or dhcp servere (for notonlink)
		failure on non-response may occur if no dhcp server on new link

	bernard: timeout happens only when you're using dhcpv6.

Issues (40 Min):

1  Link Triggers - presentation (Alper Yegin) and discussion

	detection and reaction cycle
		collect clues
		make determination
		change configuration

	detect presense of a new router
	detect presense/absense of a dhcp server
	detect presense/absense of an on-link prefix

	narten: the last bullet seems weak

	twho receives the L2 hints
	interpreting detection of a new link
	security concerns

	aboba: hints = "could be garbage"

	what can we do at ietf?
		define useful practical link-layer hints
			details are link-layer specific, so use abstraction
			IEEE handoff ECSG
		define two movement detection mechanism
			when L2 hints available
			when L2 hints are NOT available

	they are hints!  we shouldn't rely on hints 100% (bad
	mistakes from hints).  we may make a catalog of hints (BCP).

	802.11b beacon could be more than a hint

2  optimized DAD - presentation (YounHee Han) and discussion

	DAD is performed for every address

	is it possible to perform seamless L3 handover

	DAD NS, wait 1 second, then BU

		optimistic DAD
		advance DAD

	next steps

	itojun: done topic in ipv6, no need to repeat here
	narten: don't focus on DAD only, maybe mip6 wg?
	keiichi: DAD is not the biggest delay source.  modifying L3 layer will
		affect other standards/implementations.
	pekka: DAD is needed in some way.  guaranteed randomness of address
		then it'll be good.  SEND uses cryptographic address
	aboba: outside of scope of this BOF.  start with small problem.
	nordmark: outside of scope of this BOF.  start with small problem.
		robustness/speed tradeoff
	choi: (1) is optimization useful? (2) is this BOF suitable?
	francis: decision should be up to network manager.
	?: mobility issue, so different from ipv6.  need comparison document.
	chair's personal: correctness and speed

3  Common ground between Mobileip, IPv6, zeroconf and DHCP - discussion
4  'v6 only' or 'v6 and v4' - discussion

	narten: L2 behavior is common to v4/v6, L3 might be different
		do both.

	v4/v6 together 35
	v4/v6 separate 11

wg or not?

	narten: charter? - yes there is
	aboba: need a good review plan, if you miss something it would damage others

	some straw-polls
		v4/v6 both
		want wg
		do DAD issues

	need to go to the list, refine charter, ...