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Re: What do we want to achieve from reorganizing our functions?

--On 28. juli 2003 14:45 -0400 "Steven M. Bellovin" <smb@research.att.com> wrote:

so the wg chairs do not feel that they have the power to say "this
document will not fly unless X is done."  so they say things such
as "unless X is done, it will not get past the iesg."  they pass
the buck because
 o they feel they don't have the power
 o it's easier
Note that per 2418, chairs *don't* have the power to block documents.
The chairs' role is almost completely process-oriented.  I suppose that
with a very strict charter, he or she would have some content leverage,
but we've basically relied on WG consensus for content.
I believe that's one of the things where 2418 got it wrong, and where practice has not been according to 2418 when things worked well.
A WG chair should not (IMHO) dictate the content of a document, but should definitely be empowered to say "this ain't gonna work, we won't ship it".
