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SIRs for hire...

If you have not already read the SIR proposal for Senior Internet
Reviewers or whatever we end up calling them, you might want to take a
look at

But the jist of the proposal is that IETF needs a body of pre-IESG
document reviewers to help speed up IESG reviews, avoid late
surprises, and many other fine and desirable things, and SIR is one
possible way of providing such a body of reviewers.

Dave Crocker and Brian Carpenter put up a website at
http://graybeards.net/sirs/ so we could experiment with the program
before moving forward in a formal way - so, I'm wondering if any of
your working groups are interested in taking a look at the list of
SIRs listed on http://graybeards.net/sirs/sirs-list.html, and dropping
a document or two on a likely-looking reviewer to see what you get

As the website points out, it's an experiemental and unofficial
program at this point in time, so you have the opportunity to be part
of the "running code" portion of the discussion later if you make use
of the experiment now!
