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IESG Telechat Agenda Item under Management Issues: IESG architectural questions to IAB


Under the topic 7. Management Issues, I would like to
add an agenda item:  IESG architectural questions to IAB

This is a direct result of my ACTION ITEM:
  IP 	o Erik to document process of how the IESG goes about asking architectural
     	  questions of the IAB
Yep, it still seems listed under Erik (on the online draft agenda),
but I inherited that work/action item at the last telechat.

For the IESG, below is the proposed procedure.

-- draft procedure for: how IESG sends architectural questions to IAB--

When we (IESG) want architectural help/review from/by the IAB,
then we should properly formulate what we expect. 

What we should make clear is:
1. What is the exact architural question we have. Would be best
   if IESG has consensus on the question as well.

2. What type of response we want to get, e.g. one or more of
   - a document;
   - a (few) paragraph(s),
   - an e-mail to IESG or some specific mailing list
   - discussion with IESG or some specific WG

3. By what time we expect the above to happen

4. If we believe we know who on the IAB would have the appropriate
   background to tackle the problem, we should be prepared to 
   inform IAB, IAB-chair or specific person(s) about that.

- Once IESG agrees on the above, we (IESG chair) send(s) an 
  email to the iab mailing list. 
- The first round of discussions is then to make sure that IAB and
  IESG have a common understanding of the question and expected
  delivery and time-frame. 
- If IAB however has clarifying questions then we need to discuss
  and explain, which may result in a re-statement of the question.
  This discussion is expected to happen on both iab and iesg mailing
  lists. Sometimes things may be easy and do not need this step.
- Once IAB and IESG agree on the question, the deliverable,
  and the respective IAB & IESG members who are designated as
  responsible for seeing this activity to completion, the
  IAB starts the work and delivers as requested.  The designated
  stuckees may continue to discuss (liaise) refinements as needed.
- When IAB thinks they have delivered, they (IAB chair) send(s) an
  email to IESG saying so and pointing to the deliverable.
- IESG checks and IESG chair lets IAB know if they are happy and 
  if not explain why not. 
