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Input on Issue tracker


In order to more tightly manage the work-flow we intend to start using
an issue tracker. Given that there are others that have some expertise
in using issue trackers on this list I would like to have some
comments on the proposed working methods before actually sending this
text to "namedroppers" (The DNSEXT list) and ask for feedback there.

Suggestions and experiences are appreciated.



- Issue Tracker

  As of September 2003 this group will use an issue tracker. This is to
  better organize the work-flow, maintain overview over, and focus the
  discussions to the working group documents.

  Please stick to the following procedure when discussing working
  group work documents.

  == The system

  The issue tracker can be found at: <roundup URL> . The chairs are
  responsible for maintaining the data in the issue tracker. That task
  may be delegated to document editors. If a document editor prefers
  other tracking systems they are free to coordinate that with the

  == Creating a new issue.

  New Issue tickets are only created for working group document.

  If you have an issue a document please sent in a mail with a subject
  header of the following format

  NEW ISSUE: draft-ietf-dnsext-<name>-<version>

  The message should start with providing some context about the
  raised isue [sic]. Please indicate if your issue is a technical or
  editorial and a priority: must, should or may fix.

  Please provide page numbers and provide the original text and
  proposed new text and an additional explanation. The proposed new
  text is important, it will help to guide discussion and will release
  the burden on the document editor.

  The following example suggests an example:

    To: namedroppers@ops.ietf.org
    Subject: NEW ISSUE draft-ietf-dnsext-mail-list-00

    Category: text-edit
    Priority: must-fix
    Page:  0

    "The message should start with providing some context about the
    raised isue. "

  Once a "NEW ISSUE" message is received on the list the chairs or
  document editors will add the issue to the document tracker and add
  an issue identifier to it. A new message, with the issue identifier
  in the header. Replies to the issue should be restricted to the
  particular thread.

  Please refrain from responding to "NEW ISSUE" until the new message,
  with the issue identifier has been posted.

  == Discussion of issues.

  Discussion of issues takes place on the list, preferably in the
  relevant thread.

  The chairs or the document editors will copy relevant messages, or
  abstracts thereof to the issue tracker so that the gist of the
  discussion can be followed using the tracker. There may be a few
  days lag between the list and the tracker. The archive remains the
  authoritative log for the discussion.

  == Bouncing of issues

  The chairs may decide not to create a entry in the issue tracker if
  an issue does not relate to a working group document; the issue has
  already been discussed and the issue has been closed; if there is
  no proposed new text or; if the issue is irrelevant to any of the
  working group documents.

  == Discussion of matters not in the issue tracker.

  Feel free to bring up matters that are not related to working group
  documents (but appropriate to the group); they do not need an issue
  tracking number.

  == Closing of issues.

  Chairs or document editors will close issues once resolved.

$Id: issue-tracker.txt,v 1.2 2003/08/15 08:41:04 olaf Exp $