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Re: Liaison handling (Re: IAB comments on draft-baker-liaisons-00.txt)

> Since Scott has been part of the process that produced this document, I 
> must assume that Scott thinks that this process will help him, in ways that 
> the current "statements@ietf.org" mechanism cannot. Scott, can you confirm 
> that?

yes but

yes - I think it would help to have this process 

but - there is one other thing that I think would help and that is to
more clearly clearly define who is responsible at an orginizational 
level in the IETF to ensure an answer happens when an answer should happen.

during the IESG discussion on this general topic it was suggested that the
person with organizational responsibility should be the person designated
by the IAB as the liaison to the organization that sent a particular 
statement - this makes sense to me

I did bring the idea up when we were developing this document but 
did not push it as much maybe I should have
