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Re: FW: [Solutions] References to IETF I-Ds without version numbers?

Yes - what I don't have are

- published reviews of the draft (These are not collated in a known place so they are
hard to collect

- a generic URL for each and every draft

The second one is easy.

The first is harder


At 04:54 PM 27/08/2003 +0200, Wijnen, Bert (Bert) wrote:
Seems to be more or less what Geoff already provides at
his site, no?


-----Original Message-----
From: Brian E Carpenter [mailto:brc@zurich.ibm.com]
Sent: woensdag 27 augustus 2003 14:57
To: Spencer Dawkins
Cc: solutions@alvestrand.no
Subject: Re: [Solutions] References to IETF I-Ds without version

Good idea, as long as the RFC Editor resolves all the references correctly at RFC-time.

I want more. I want http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-ops-mib-review-guidelines

(note: *no* .txt suffix)

to take me to a page containing
1. Pointers to the current version(s) - .txt, plus .ps and .pdf if they exists
2. Pointers to all published reviews of this draft
3. Maybe, pointers to the expired versions too
