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Re: Taking a DEFER on a ballot


everything you say is consistent with the currently implemented DEFER button, except this one:

--On 27. august 2003 16:21 +0200 "Wijnen, Bert (Bert)" <bwijnen@lucent.com> wrote:

4. One or more DEFERs on a document will cause the document
   to automatically show up on the next telechat agenda,
   unless all DEFERs change to a vote other than DISCUSS
   and there are enough votes to approve the document.

I've been arguing for some time that the situation where:

- AD X requests a DEFER *before* the telechat, so that everyone knows it will be deferred, so no real discussion occurs
- AD Y is "snowed under", and thinks problems are unlikely, so doesn't take out his own DEFER, but think he'll get back to it next week
- AD X clears her DEFER
- Document passes because of enough votes
- AD Y is surprised

is NOT a good one, and that the system should not make this easy.

It should, of course, be allowed if it really is an "emergency hurry-upper" - but that's why we decided many moons ago to allow the state to be set by hand, even when the state jump isn't programmed into the state machine.

If this isn't something we want to do commonly, I think the added complexity of the "DEFER column" on the ballot is Just Not Right.

The granting of defer power to the Chair can easily be handed by the Chair (or the secretariat under the Chair's instruction) changing the date of the telechat on the document. No need for special code, I think.
