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possible error in draft-ietf-mpls-te-mib-12.txt


again a possible inconsistency concerning the obsolete
MPLS-TE-STD-MIB contains references to this table in the DESCRIPTION clause
of the following entries:

1) mplsTunnelResourceMaxRate: "This object is copied to an instance of
          mplsTrafficParamMaxRate in mplsTrafficParamTable
          the OID of which is copied into the corresponding

2) mplsTunnelResourceMeanRate: "This object is copied into an instance of
          mplsTrafficParamMeanRate in the
          mplsTrafficParamTable. The OID of this table entry
          is then copied into the corresponding

         When resource allocation is performed as requested
          by this TSpec object, it is copied into an entry in
          mplsTrafficParamTable [LSRMIB]:
          mplsTunnelInMeanRate to mplsTrafficParamMeanRate.
          The OID of this entry is copied to
          mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr of the corresponding
          in-segment entry."

3) mplsTunnelResourceMaxBurstSize: "The maximum burst size in bytes.  This
object is
          copied to mplsInSegmentMaxBurstSize of the
          corresponding in-segment.

         When resource allocation is performed as requested
          by this TSpec object, it is copied into an entry in
          mplsTrafficParamTable [LSRMIB]:
          mplsTunnelInMaxBurstSize to
          mplsTrafficParamMaxBurstSize. The OID of this entry
          is copied to mplsInSegmentTrafficParamPtr of the
          corresponding in-segment entry"

These DESCRIPTION clauses look a little messed up with these references.
Maybe they should be rewritten before releasing as PS.


Stefan Winter